Poems for Advent 1

Christmas Angel
A first mission and a tricky assignment:
with so much at stake
and a lot looking on.
Make a success of something this big
and you're a front runner
for the inner circle.
Bungle it - and a shift somewhere
unknown and overseas,
Most wouldn't touch it;
terrified of the distance; wardrobe costs;
and speech writing demands.
Shortlisting two - the other contender
had been dismissed years ago
but always still applied.
And with little difference
to most bureaucracies - learnt
of the appointment last by official mail.
To start the following afternoon
with little to no in-service training -
only a contact number.
Finally, a matter
of falling back on native cunning
and nous.
In retrospect now -
a brilliant achievement
with accolades to flow for years to come.
And with success -
a rapid rising through the ranks
but always harkening after that old job back.
The dressing up; rehearsals
last night parties -
and first night nerves.
Jeff Guess
