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Personal Choice - A Poetry Anthology - An Invitation

Hello everyone – family, friends and colleagues

I fell in love with poetry as a very small child and it's been a wonderful journey. I have felt for a long while now that I would like to put together a selection of those poems that have been my favourites, ones that delighted me as a child, those I studied at university, those I have taught and more significantly those that have influenced and had an effect on my own writing as I struggled to find my own ‘voice’.

I embarked on this new journey some months ago and am about halfway through putting a personal selection together.

I am writing to you firstly for a kind of encouragement. Every week I will post* one of the poems on my blog:

The first two are there now as ‘Markings 197 and 198’. (posted also on my Facebook page). Would you follow the poems over the months to come – that’s all? If you felt like giving me any kind of feedback that would be very welcome but not necessary. All I am really excited about is that you will be sharing the poems.

Please come with me over the spring and summer to come. Poetry might not be your first love as it is mine and it might not even be on your radar, but I can promise you that one or two might strike a chord and open a door into a world of delight, meaning and emotion where all the senses are sharpened and stirred.

If you know of someone who might like to share the poems as well, please send my email on to them. They would be very welcome.

Love and very kindest regards


*Some of the poems I will post on my blog are not in the Public Domain. In other words, they are still under the copyright of the author or literary estate. I will provide a few lines of the poem on those occasions and provide a link to where the poem is accessible on the web.



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