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How to Write a Poem about what's Going on Inside Your Head - Markings 123

Inside Your Head

What things are spinning around your head?

What thoughts and hopes and plans?

A song from the morning radio?

Homework, tests, exams?

What things are spinning around your head?

I wonder? Whats and whys?

A shopping trip on Thursday night?

A burger, Coke and fries?

What things are spinning around your head?

Pain and tears and hurt?

Someone you won't see again?

A dream that didn't work?

What things are spinning around your head?

And is it safe to see?

Inside where all that mess is stored

An utter mystery?

If someone climbed inside to look

What would they find instead

Of all that grey matter now not there-

What's spinning around your head?

Jeff Guess

What things are spinning around your head?

Make a quick list of at least 20 things.

What are you thinking about at the moment?

or have been in the last few hours?

What are some of your hopes and dreams?

What inventions or projects would you like to work on?

What ambitions do you have?

Are there thoughts you find sad and painful?

Are there things you can't forget?

Are there happy, exciting thoughts in your head?

Are you looking forward to some event you think constantly about?

What other things are you thinking about?

What thoughts are spinning around your head?

Write a Poem: Write one or more of these thoughts into a poem. You can use Inside Your Head as the title for your poem. The poem on this page rhymes but your does not need to.

©Jeff Guess 2019


Writing Poetry

A Creative Writing Course in 8 Units.

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