How to Write a Poem about who I am - Markings 118
Writing a Poem about who I Am
A Personality Poem
rock stone pebble
canvas silk cotton
bread biscuit cake
red black orange
chocolate vanilla strawberry
smile laugh grin
sugar salt spice
water ice steam
twig trunk branch
mountain sandhill hill
hot cold medium
mansion house castle
fly spider ant
ruby pearl diamond
lion elephant fox
How do you see yourself? Look at these words. Choose a word from each line which you think best describes you. Juggle the words around - what you’ve written can become included in a poem about you as you see yourself.
©Jeff Guess 2019
Writing Poetry
A Creative Writing Course in 8 Units.
Please consider my ‘Writing Poetry’ course. Eight units that cover every aspect of writing poetry with an anthology of exemplars and examples. In addition, a whole host of writing activities and assignments. It is a stimulating and absorbing course and will takes you from the basics to proficiency. Suitable for senior school students, adults and undergraduates.
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