Markings 117

A View With a Room
Mary MacKillop, excommunicated from the Catholic Church
in September 1871 and forbidden to take Mass, views the Holy
Sacrament from a small window in her convent room.
To be thus
is to be nothing.
All my life
I’ve worshipped you.
All my life
is given for you.
I am your bride
and you
are my beloved —
And if I cannot
eat your bread
and drink your wine,
I cannot touch
your body
or have your flesh
upon my tongue.
To be thus
is to be nothing.
Constancy and courage
are not enough.
You who gave me
grace —
I require you now:
with the sweet
ecstatic peace
of Jesus.
Jeff Guess

St Francis Xavier's Cathedral
Adelaide, South Australia. 5000
©Jeff Guess 2018