Markings 116 - Veronica's Song

Veronica’s Song
a cycle of poems for Easter after The Stations of the Cross
6. Station the Sixth
Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
She makes it just in time
by a minute
pushes to the front
his face already pressed
between pages of her past
with hers now pressed at him
the latent weight of wood
he pauses
at an arm's length
from her thin grip on sanity
bearing the burden
of a world gone mad
upon his back
his face
a peeling mask of bleeding
salt and tears
she moves to him
lifting the loose folds
of her robe
gathers them
in swathes and bandages
about his broken head
and he prints out his agony
into her hands
upon her soft dress cloth
shocks them with the stab
of thorns and nails
and fire
as always as before
brings her back
from the edge of darkness
as always as before
leaves her with nothing
but the knowledge of himself.
Jeff Guess

St. Mary Magdalene's
Moore Street, Adelaide, South Australia. 5000
©Jeff Guess 2018