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Markings 78 - Melaleuca Morning


Come see the light break come watch the sun

Here on this new day Christmas begun

Start from the dark branch crown of a king

Flowers of purple blossom and cling.

Melaleuca morning mantle

Cascades from the heat and light

Bears upon its royal holly

Birth of peace and love and light.

Out of the old wood twisted and hard

Song of December silent unheard

Bursts like a promise onto the stem

Amidst the sharp leaves new life begun.

Melaleuca morning sunrise

From the years of drought and storm

From the hours of heat and darkness

The Lord of love and life is born.

Sun splash in forest from land and scrub

Parkland and city backstreets and drab

Late in the season flame from the earth

Trees that are bearing signs of his birth.

Melaleuca morning matins

Magpies carol from the lawn

All created earth is singing

The child of hope and light is born.

Jeff Guess


1986: First Prize in the Australian Council of Churches National Christmas Carol Competition ($1000) - Music by Kerry Warry.

1988: PAINTING THE TOWN: The Gawler Poems by Jeff Guess, The Wakefield Press 1988.

1990: CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Omnibus/Puffin.

1992: THE PENGUIN BOOK OF CHRISTMAS POEMS: Edited by K.Pearson and C.Mooney, Penguin Books.

1994: THE AUSTRALIAN CHRISTMAS BOOK: Edited by Kay Fairfax, A & R.

1996: Performed at St. Peters Cathedral - Brighton High School - Carols and Readings

new music by John Nottle.

©Jeff Guess 2017

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