Markings 51- Poem of the Day
A Vanishing Speck
Every year a tiny, tiny bird, the blackpoll warbler
migrates across the Atlantic for 3 days without stopping.
If you are reading this poem
at the beginning of winter
the blackpoll warbler
with the mass of less than a cedar HB pencil
and about the same as a dessertspoon of honey
has left the boreal forests of Alaska.
To fly directly over the Atlantic Ocean
without stopping for three days
a distance of 3000 kilometres
to Venezuela.
Now on the world’s endangered species list
there are only ten percent left after 50 years.
If you are reading this poem
at the beginning of winter
the blackpoll warbler that weighs
no more than 12 business cards
has left the boreal forests of Alaska
but cannot now fly further than its fate.
Jeff Guess
©Jeff Guess 2017