Poems for Advent 12
The Shepherd Boy St. Luke 2: 8-20 i. 'All of this happened a long time ago . . .' was how I started when the doctor found me here still...

Poems for Advent 11
Return of the Magi 'And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their country another...

Poems for Advent 10
Carol Singers They stand in a rough circle beneath the unpruned pencil pines and sing her down seventy years of Christmas eves. Wind...

Poems for Advent 9
Nativity i. Night after night she loved his old strong body workman's hands wine blunted breath she loved his love for her and often...

Poems for Advent 8
for my parents - Jim and Pauline Where Christmas was Kept In a cupboard beneath the steps at one end of the dark hallway my parents would...

Poems for Advent 7
for my daughter Jessica Christmas Concert for Martin Burne's Year 3 class circa 1989 At 7 o'clock tonight beneath a dusty cross of...

Poems for Advent 6
Joseph The child's father - he stands by her elbow, old enough to be her own. Aware of the talk and whose paternity. But knows what he...

Poems for Advent 5
Journey of the Magi after a fragment of an ancient Persian legend The best laid plans of camel and of king. Seamless from the start had...

Poems for Advent 4
Bethlehem Pin prick on a map of stars to lines that cross and hardly show in the dialogue of connecting contours and relief. A man in a...

Poems for Advent 3
for my grandmother - Olive Ruth Sherwin Grandmother Handed down in safe preserve with all that she could make she held the secret...