Picking Olives
Picking Olives Angle Vale A sky hot April morning hens scratch from stifling sheds behind the rust and wire of their yard earth is burred...

Poetry - A Kind of Praying?
An interview from a recent Salisbury Writers' Festival. On being a poet It isn’t something I think about consciously, in terms of ‘being’...

Matthew Flinders - The Map Maker
The Navigator’s Wife after Ann Flinders (nee Chappelle) circa 1814 Thought she was going with him that first time, south into sea and...

The Best Prose and Poetry!
I have been asked on numerous occasions to give examples of the finest prose and poetry in the Western canon. I usually suggest with...

The Last Anzac
©Jeff Guess 2017

Why was George Eliot’s Right Hand Larger than Her Left Hand?
Writing About What You Know Best: A fundamental aspect of writing poetry for the student or beginning writer of poetry is to write about...

Poems that Choose the Poet
One of the finest books I have read thus far in 2017 and perhaps for years is Richard Holmes third book in his trilogy THIS LONG PURSUIT....

Up For Grabs
Morning Walk I went out into the world with a world draped around my shoulders. Dark misshapen, crooked and monstrous. Full of wars and...