Iambic Images 16
©Jeff Guess 2017

xvi. Signs and Wonders - Ordinariness
Ordinariness Mid-15c. derived from the Old French word ordinarie, from the Latin word ordinarius (regular, ordinary) and from the Latin...

6 Markings - Books vs. e-books
'Discussion of the impact of digital technology on books has been largely confined to hysterical pronouncements about the death of the...

Iambic Images 15
©Jeff Guess 2017

5 Markings - How to Tell a Good Story
‘Good story-telling is all about what’s left in, what’s left out and the order in which the facts are presented’ Denise Mina – her most...

7.The Town I Loved So Well: Images of Gawler SA. Through the Streets of my Town.
AFTER THE FOG After the fog lifted- the slow immolation of soft folds of thick grey flesh from tree and fence and stone. We already knew...

Iambic Images 13.
©Jeff Guess 2017