xx. Signs and Wonders - Detective Novels
Detective: 1850, short for detective police, from detective (adj.) Private Eye Half a bottle of soft straw single malt I had for...
10.The Town I Loved So Well: Images of Gawler SA. 'Old Stone Wall'
Old Stone Wall There’s an old stone wall here probably centuries old that still holds the morning up. Bare vines as thick as my arm still...
9.The Town I Loved So Well: Images of Gawler SA.
Gawler Railway Station - Nineteenth Street (Completed 1879) Gawler Railway Station (c 1885) Gawler Railway Station (c 1895) Gawler...
xix. Signs and Wonders - Home
Home: Old English ham ‘dwelling, house, estate, village,’ from Proto-Germanic khaim, Old Norse heimr ‘residence, world,’ heima ‘ home....
8.The Town I Loved So Well: Images of Gawler SA. Norfolk Island Pine
Girl Guides Club - Todd Street, Gawler. Planted by the Mayor, Edward Clement in 1872. Edward Clement's home in Gawler where he planted an...
xviii. Signs and Wonders - Thistles
Thistles Old English þistel, from Proto Germanic thikhstula, Old High German distil. Thistles All along the rusty railway line from...
xvii. Signs and Wonders - Pomegranates
Pomegranates: Early 14c. poumgarnet, from Old French pome grenate, from Medieval Latin pomum granatum, literally ‘apple with many seeds’....
Iambic Images 16
©Jeff Guess 2017