Personal Choice Volume 2 No.7
from After Apple-Picking  by Robert Frost  My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree Toward heaven still, And there's a...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.6
from Don Juan  by Lord Byron  When Juan woke he found some good things ready, A bath, a breakfast, and the finest eyes That ever made a...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.5
The Orange  At lunchtime I bought a huge orange- The size of it made us all laugh. I peeled it and shared it with Robert and Dave- They...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.4
Break, Break, Break  Break, break, break,         On thy cold gray stones, O Sea! And I would that my tongue could utter         The...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.3
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.2
Along the Road  I walked a mile with Pleasure; She chattered all the way, But left me none the wiser For all she had to say.  I walked...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.1
S ong for the Last Act Now that I have your face by heart, I look  Less at its features than its darkening frame  Where quince and...

Personal Choice 95
Walking Away It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day – A sunny day with leaves just turning, The touch-lines new-ruled – since I...

Personal Choice 94
The Rainwalkers An old man whose black face shines golden-brown as wet pebbles under the streetlamp, is walking two mongrel dogs of...

Personal Choice 93
Who’s Who A shilling life will give you all the facts: How Father beat him, how he ran away, What were the struggles of his youth, what...