Markings 116 - Veronica's Song
Veronica’s Song a cycle of poems for Easter after The Stations of the Cross 6. Station the Sixth Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus She...
Markings 115 - Mary MacKillop in Gawler
Throughout Mary MacKillop’s life, she embraced people of all cultures and faiths. The Josephite schools and other early charitable works...
Markings 114
First Sunday in May The Sixth Sunday of Easter 'Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:'...
Markings 113
Autumn May Morning ©Jeff Guess 2018
Markings 112
' Late April Afternoon' Angle Vale, South Australia. ©Jeff Guess 2018
Markings 111 - Congratulations
Congratulations Ben and Clara - best wishes and much much happiness!!! What a ring!!! ©Jeff Guess 2018
Markings 110
To commemorate the centennial of Britain’s involvement in the First World War, ceramic artist Paul Cumminsand stage designer Tom Piper...
Markings 109
'Fire Storm Farm' ©Jeff Guess 2018
Markings 108
'Oceans of Emptiness' Acrylics ©Jeff Guess 2018
Markings 107
'Coming Up For Air' Mixed Media ©Jeff Guess 2018