Markings 186
The road to Hentley Farm

Markings 185
The Khirbet Qeiyafa Potsherd On January 10, 2010, the University of Haifa issued a press release announcing that the most ancient Hebrew...

Markings 182
Jeff Guess © 2018

Markings 181
Rain Storm over Gawler, South Australia, 8am, 15th October 2018.

Markings 180
Who rises from prayer a better person, those prayers are answered. George Meredith (1828 - 1909) English author

Markings 179
'Emptiness' The artwork created by Albert György (living in Switzerland, but born in Romania) can be found in Geneva in a small park on...

Markings 178
We understand why children are afraid of darkness, but why are men afraid of light? Plato (427 - 347 BC) Greek philosopher