Markings 158
Found Poem Glanville Railway Station Semaphore South Australia ©Jeff Guess 2019

Markings 157
Found Poem Corio Hotel Goolwa - South Australia 1858 ©Jeff Guess 2019

Markings 156
©Jeff Guess 2019

Markings 155
©Jeff Guess 2019

Markings 154
©Jeff Guess 2019

Markings 153
©Jeff Guess 2019

Markings 152
The interior of the historic Mortlock Library in the State Library of South Australia.

Markings 151
Winter of the bee I went to wander – watching for your final flight. translated from the Japanese after Murakami Kijo (1865 – 1930) ©Jeff...

What are the 'Essentials' of a Good Poem? - Markings 150
What are the 'Essentials' of a Good Poem? 1. Is the poem about something you actually know about (in other words a failure to write about...

23 Writing Ideas for your Next Poem -Markings 149
23 Writing Ideas! * Imagine writing to a friend about a time you spent away from school, perhaps a holiday. What are the SIX most...