Personal Choice Volume 2 No.16
Envoy Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam  They are not long, the weeping and the laughter,     Love and desire and hate;...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.15
for Helen Mango Mousse Mary Oliver  The latest Eating and Drinking Poems post is a nostalgic, mouth-watering homage to the warm, sweet...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.14
One of the very best love poems in English. Strawberries  There were never strawberries like the ones we had that sultry afternoon...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.13
Fig frangipane tart - my take on a Lorenza De Medici recipe - love at first bite! Succulent figs seduce our senses from late Summer...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.12
Pablo Neruda  wrote glorious odes to many foods, including lemons, tomatoes, artichokes, salt, and an onion. He had a lot of food love to...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.11
Sappho , (Fragments) 104–117 (Wedding Songs) 104.                                                             Hesperus, star most...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.10
Blackberry Eating by Galway Kinnell. Â I love to go out in late September among...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.9
‘Shake oh shake the ketchup bottle none will come and then a lot'll.’  Ogden Nash  Ogden Nash  (1902 - 1971) was an American poet well...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.8
From The Orange Tree  by John Shaw Neilson  The young girl stood beside me. I Saw not what her young eyes could see: A light, she...

Personal Choice Volume 2 No.7
from After Apple-Picking  by Robert Frost  My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree Toward heaven still, And there's a...