How to Write a Poem Using Newspaper Clippings - Markings 131
Newspaper Poetry Here is another starter activity that can lead to the writing of individual poems. It might sometimes be hard to always...
How to Write a Poem Imagining yourself as a Mirror - Markings 130
Mirror, Mirror . . . You are a mirror, on a wall somewhere perhaps, or on a wardrobe door. Imagine the many events and circumstances...
How to Write a Poem Starting with only Five Words - Markings 129
Words into Poems Follow your heart and imagination, what will you create? Circle five words from the list below and include them in a...
How to Write a Poem Using a Word Hoard - Markings 127
Word Hoard We use words to make sense of our lives — to make friends, to express our thoughts and feelings, to convince other people...
How to Write a Poem by Choosing an Emotion - Markings 125
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How to Write a Poem Using the Weather as Your Subject or Theme - Markings 124
Writing the Weather Write a weather poem about a weather-related topic. e.g. Rainbows, Snowflakes, Clouds, Ice, Cyclones, etc. To start,...
How to Write a Poem about what's Going on Inside Your Head - Markings 123
Inside Your Head What things are spinning around your head? What thoughts and hopes and plans? A song from the morning radio? Homework,...
How to Write a Poem from a Doddle or an Ink Blot - Marking 122
Doodle & Ink Blot Poems Most people can doodle. By this I mean draw abstract shapes and symbols on a piece of paper. If you let your mind...
How to Write a Poem by Textually Intervening in Someone Else's Poem - Marking 121
Textual Intervention Choose a suitable poem: see Browning's 'My Last Duchess" below - an ideal poem. As you read, ask yourself: 1. How...