Markings 42
It would be better for me . . . that multitudes of men should disagree with me rather than that I, being one, should be out of harmony...
Markings 41
The world is round so that friendship may encircle it. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955) Paleontologist, Jesuit priest and...
Markings 40
On Highway B35 a few kilometres from Palmer, South Australia. ©Jeff Guess 2017
Markings 39
If one looks with a penetrating eye into the facts, he will clearly perceive that no two things are so closely akin as independence of...
Markings 38
Callistemon Harkness - Gawler Hybrid Bottlebrush ©Jeff Guess 2017
Markings 37
When we are mired in the relative world, never lifting our gaze to the mystery, our life is stunted, incomplete; we are filled with...
Markings 36
We are like children building a sand castle. We embellish it with beautiful shells, bits of driftwood, and pieces of coloured glass. The...
Markings 35
Books and people can merely inspire you. Unless they awaken something within you, nothing worthwhile has been accomplished. Peace Pilgrim...
Markings 34 - On Collecting Dickens
Embroidery by Olive Ruth Sherwin - c. 1950s On Collecting Dickens Grandmother got them all by slow degrees after the war on a...
Markings 33
Real joy is a “severe matter"; it is the happiness of a soul which is "lifted above every circumstance". Paul Tillich (1886-1965) ...